Windowpaper XP 1.01.0048 is a tool to customize your desktop with wallpapers for every window.
You can specify the folder in which you want to change the background, browsing with the program. You can choose if you want to modify the background just for that folder or all it subfolders.
Then you can choose an image to be applied to the background. You can choose between any image in .bmp, .jpg or .gif format stored in any drive. The program itself has only three simple background to offer.
If you don´t want a background image, you can leave it without specifying one, or just choose a color from the palette.
Then, you can specify the color of the icon texts, to match the background image or color. This is important, because if the text has the same color as the background, you won´t be able to read it.
It´s possible to revert all changes made with the "Default" button. This is important if you want to leave everything as it was, of if you want to restart your customization.
WARNING: uninstalling the program won´t revert the changes made to the windows. You must use the program "Default" button to do that.